support the tour | become a sponsor
"Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art."
Andy Warhol
Become a BRONZE Sponsor! Donate today and give back to the community. Your $50 donation allows our tour to grow and the artistic heartbeat of the community to thrive.
Become a SILVER Sponsor! Give back to the community and donate today. Your $100 donation allows our tour to grow and the artistic heartbeat of the community to thrive.
Become a GOLD Sponsor! Support our growing tour.
Your $150 donation allows our tour to grow and the artistic heartbeat of the community to thrive. Join the tour and donate today.
Support our humble, growing tour and support the arts. Pick up your own copy of the GOST Artists' Guide and Tour Map at any of our local business sponsors shown below and at many other local art suppliers, restaurants, merchants, B&B's and hotels in the Hudson Valley